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How to create a bundle upsell

If you want to really supercharge your Average Cart Value, you should consider offering bundle upsells to your customer.

Larry Brager avatar
Written by Larry Brager
Updated over a week ago

With a bundle upsell, you can upgrade a customer from a single product to multiple products, all purchased together. Usually, this includes a slight discount for the customer but means more profit overall for you!

Create Your Bundle Product

First, you need to create the bundle product in Shopify. This should be a brand new product. In Shopify navigate to the product page and select add product.

For the product image, you will typically want to use an image with all products shown together.

Create the Upsell Funnel and Offer

Now, you'll want to create the funnel in Upsell Wizard. Start by defining your trigger settings. For this, you may want to use a collection all the products are in OR you can specify a funnel individually for each product you'd like to trigger the offer. For this example, we will only be offering the bundle upgrade on the main action figure.

Next, create the offer for the bundle upsell.

Testing Your Offer

To test your offer, add the trigger product to your cart.

Then click the add to cart button and proceed to checkout.

That's it!

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Please let us know if you have any questions. We're happy to help!

The Upsell Wizard Team

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